
Course Resources

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Saved by Michelle Bellah
on September 29, 2010 at 9:40:11 am

This is a page to share any resources you may find that deal with online learning and teaching. So if you find something to share, just click on the Edit tab at the top of the screen, add your resource, and click Save in the bottom left corner.

Great checklist for syllabus content...  http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tutorials/syllabus/resources/checklist/index.html

Academic Integrity Resources....






http://www.elearnmag.org/subpage.cfm?section=articles&article=104-1 K-12 level


Virginia Beach Academic statement for online learning: http://www.vbschools.com/distance/integrity.asp


Sample syllabus with statement of academic expectations...  http://www.virtualeduc.com/html_syllabus/TDY/TDY_UP3_syllabus.htm


WCET, UT TeleCampus, and Instructional Technology Council. (2009, June). Best Practice Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity in Online Education. Retrieved August 12, 2010, from http://wiche.edu/attachment_library/Student_Authentication/BestPractices.pdf  

Common Problems Innovative solutions from Colorado K-12 online teachers...


Online Teachers: Instruction- Pedagogy:  http://www.srebonlineteachers.org/instructionLinksPedagogy.html


MIT resource for the high school level. You may find some great items to use in your online or blended course.



New resource for course design...


CANnect, the most comprehensive, most accessible collection of online learning opportunities for people with visual impairments collaborated with The Sloan Consortium to provide improved access to online learning tools.   Through a grant provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, three projects have been instituted to make online learning a reality for visually impaired students.






Mr B’s List is a searchable directory of the best *free* educational websites, (with emphasis on interactive sites) to use with your SMART Board or other interactive whiteboard, etc. Great for online learners.




tools to better understand science and math, to practice math skills, or simply to explore and experiment. Most of these tools are developed and maintained by students, working as interns or apprentices at Shodor.



























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