
TxDLA Conference- DP

Page history last edited by Michelle Bellah 14 years, 11 months ago


Pre conference on Sunday


Conference Handouts


15 Free Tools for learning...




look for 21tech tools to download... a zip file


TxDLA Preconference 2010 ---- robinwb (twitter) tag for delicious with TxDLA

 - JISC Handout

 -21 Technology Tools (zipped)


Todaysmeet.com-- can use to get things going...


Combat Discussion Board fatigue--- blogs, wikis, videos, as rigorous as writing a paper


build objectives... Radio James Objectives Builder


E-learning Design Principles



  • Embedding... embed objects instead of linking to...

        *use iframe in BBD. <iframe width=""800" height="600" name="GoogleReader" src="http://www.google.com/reader/" />

        *RSS feeds in a viewer

embedit.in--   create an account--- copy the embed code and then past into page. can set settings to print or download. Can use markup tools for highlighting information and then embed.

     * can add a link for the PDF for screen reader

     * embed URLs


media embed generator.... http://cit.ucsf.edu/embedmedia/step1.php

solves problem of different browsers... flash, quick time, real media, windows media

   works with Vista, Windows 7


VLC media player--- plays everything-- works on all media formats



WMDOWNLOADER--- rips videos from the web.  http://mini-stream.net/wm-downloader/


Converts to mpg4---- MPEG streamclip




MEEBO chat--- embed meebo in announcement....can create a Meebo room.... online office hours. http://www.meebo.com/


TWITTER---- http://www.scribd.com/doc/19976874/MakeUseOfcom-The-Complete-Guide-to-Twitter

Create a personal account and a PD account


flash twitter badge--- use as an announcement tool-- can embed

Twiducate--- can make twitter groups for your course --- private network      http://www.twiducate.com/


Automatic Captions---- Youtube-- choose transcribe when uploading

Automatic Timing--- simple text transcript.... http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/youtube_turns_on_auto-captions_for_all_vidoes.php


http://pip.io/ Pip.io helps you organize the people you know so you can say what you want to exactly who you want. Pip.io aims to be the new


Xtranormal (http://www.xtranormal.com/) – If you can type, you can make movies. Use the characters on the site to create movies from what

Make Beliefs Comix (http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/)


collaborative storytelling creations. Inaugural Speeches (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2009/01/17/washington/20090117_ADDRESSES.html)


Some of my favs. -Blabberize (http://blabberize.com/) – Make your digital photos talk.

Storybird (www.storybird.com) – A site for collaborative writing


One I like is VoiceThread: http://voicethread.com/#home

http://www.wordnik.com/ Neat dictionary with extra info on words


http://prezi.com is a very cool free presentation tool


Another one from me: http://www.scriblink.com/


photopeach.com --- slideshow presenter


http://www.amap.org.uk/  use to justify your position on a subject-- can use to beef up discussion boards


Integrate Twitter into Powerpoint.... http://www.sapweb20.com/blog/2009/10/web-20-presentation-tools-from-sap-integrate-twitter-into-powerpoint/           


Online Presentations...On Demand

Create, Share, and Track multimedia presentations with ease.  Free version... mybrainshark.com

Brainshark helps business people and organizations communicate faster and more cost-effectively than ever before.



The World's easiest way to create point-and-click games and virtual tours for Windows, PSP, iPhone, and iPod touch!





http://www.wordsift.com/ Visualize your text.


http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/ Visualization


Audiopal... create an embeddable audio file




Create quizzes--- http://www.mystudiyo.com/




Capzles is a relatively new free site that lets you create entertaining social photo story lines very easily. You could call them slideshows or photo stories, but really they are a whole level above the Flickr slideshows I was talking about last time.


Simple, effective online collaboration Multi-user whiteboard, live audio, image collaboration, text-chat and more http://www.scribblar.com/


No more waiting: http://monkeyon.com/


http://www.librarything.com/ can be a virtual library shelf for you


Timetoast is a great way to share the past, or even the future... Creating a timeline takes minutes, it's as simple as can be. http://www.timetoast.com/



http://tinyurl.com/ESquares-- simplybox....


Twitter fountain....




Mark E Damon--- PPT games


Podomatic--- create podcasts


Google tools... Google SketchUp and 3D Warehouse, Google Sites, Google Translate, Picasa, iGoogle, Google Docs, Google Reader, Google Chrome




Meet anywhere, anytime for FREE----http://www.ivisit.com/

  • Video conference with up to 8 users
  • Share your screen, docs, apps, and more while in a live video meeting
  • Free 2-way video chat and collaboration


Google search... can search using timeline.... Show options.

Wonder wheel

Creating Powerpoints that are out of this world

Handout- pdf

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