Highland Park and Silverton ISD Needs...
According to Silverton Schools Campus STaR chart, the key areas of Teaching and Learning and Educator Prepartion and Development are rated at developing tech. In addition, Silverton rates online learning, TL6, as two (2) and professional development for online learning, EP6, as two (2). According to Silverton Schools Campus STaR chart, the need for online learning and professional development at Silverton ISD is great. Furthermore, the first objective of Silverton ISD’s Technology Plan states “Silverton staff will utilize technology to enhance learning and improve student achievement” and the very first strategy for this objective states “distance learning will be incorporated into the K-12 curriculum through streaming video, college courses, AP courses and electronic field trips.”
Highland Park High School Campus’ STaR chart is rated a two (2) for online learning, TL6, and three (3) for professional development for online learning, EP6. Their need for online learning and professional development is also great; however, their overall Campus STaR chart for all four (4) categories is rated at Advanced or Target which makes them a perfect candidate to mentor and take the next step of becoming a provider district. The first objective listed for Highland Park ISD on their Technology Plan states HPISD will “provide and foster ‘real world learning experiences’ utilizing technology integrated with the core curriculum, via acceleration software and/or Internet based assignments, allowing [HPISD] to reach students with various learning styles in new ways.”
Both Silverton ISD and Highland Park ISD have documented, through both their Campus STaR Charts and Technology Plans, both a need and a desire to further their student’s education through the use of technology and offering online courses to their students. Through online course providers and funding from the Virtual Learning Strand, these students will be given the opportunity to enhance and even advance their education.
Through funding from the Virtual Learning Strand, the LEAs will be given the appropriate professional development, both for administrators and teachers, to support those students taking online courses as well as for the provider teachers who will develop courses to be offered via the TxVSN.
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